Fashion Grads, When the Runway Cluelessly Meets the Terrace!

Fashion graduates, fresh off their capstone projects, diplomas in hand, often rather smugly think that they’re about to take the industry by storm. But here’s the kicker, most of them wouldn’t know proper fashion if it walked up in a pair of vintage Hamburgs and belted them right in the mouth! Granted, they can probably pontificate non stop about sustainability, silhouettes, and the merits of a well-placed pleat, but put them amongst a group on knowledgeable Terrace Casuals, and they’ll look like a rabbit in the headlights!

The Casual scene has been running rings around these clueless cunts for years. They’d barely recognise the genius of Massimo Osti, let alone the fact that he’s responsible for shaping the entire industry. Osti, the godfather behind so many legendary brands was out there fusing military utilitarianism with practical everyday wear decades before these spotty little herberts could even spell “avant-garde.” Osti wasn’t just designing clothes, he was creating cultural armour, pioneering ground breaking innovations like garment-dyeing whilst employing state-of-the-art technological research to create cutting-edge fabrics. These weren’t just clothes, they were science experiments in fabric form.

The problem is that Fashion Degree courses in Britain’s ultra woke Uni’s turn out these cookie-cutter creatives obsessed with runway aesthetics, but who are blind to the fact where true innovation actually comes from. The Casual fraternity, those lads and lasses who treat their wardrobe like a religion have always been ahead of the game in this respect. Casuals know that fashion isn’t just about strutting down a catwalk in an absurdly outrageous outfit, it’s about functionality, durability, and looking the bollocks while braving wind, rain, and occasionally the opposition!

But here we are again in 2024, with a new generation of “Fashion Professionals” who can tell you everything about some fleeting camp capsule collection from Milan, but can’t explain the subtle genius of a meticulously chosen jacket that makes you look like a king on the terraces. Massimo Osti? Probably sounds like a fancy coffee order to them. What they really don’t get is that true fashion isn’t dictated by Vogue or Vanity Fair, it’s defined by dressers who know how to mix heritage brands, technical fabrics and a dash of their chosen subculture to stay one step ahead of the sheep!

So yeah, fashion graduates might know a thing or two about drab regurgitated (destined for Primark) copycat trends, but when it comes to real-world clobber, the kind built on culture, history, and innovation, they’re completely fucking clueless. If they want to understand what fashion is truly all about, maybe they should put down their textbooks (or tablets) and head off to the catwalk of the terraces for some much needed re-education, just saying!
